Son totalmente combinables , grandes ,pequeñas... Para CDs, cómics...La ultima versión es una cajita de cava dónde guarda el papel de WC en el baño!
O sea que ya sabéis a guardar todas las cajas de vino/cava /champán que podáis para hacer unas bonitas estanterías.
Yesterday, I went to a friend's house to see a match. I couldn't help myself, of course I had to take a photo! Here it is. One of the thousands of ideas to recycle a wine box. At first, she had only two book shelves but it seems that every time I visit her the shelves have multiplied! Every time I see it grow, I like the idea more and more.
The boxes match each other very well, small boxes, big boxes...Perfect for CD's, comics....Her latest version is an small Cava* box where she keeps her toilet paper! Genious! So, now you know that you need to keep every single box of wine, cava or champagne to make nice and cosy shelves.
*Catalan winemakers officially adopted the term in 1970 to distinguish their product from French champagne.
Si senyora. Molt bona idea. Apuntada.